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Green technologies in peril as rich nations dither on climate deal

"Uncertainty over investing in green technologies more dangerous than lack of Copenhagen treaty says Achim Steiner, the head of the UN environment programme"

Category: Energy sources


Tiny chip could diagnose disease

"Researchers have demonstrated a tiny chip based on silicon that could be used to diagnose dozens of diseases." Relies on capilliary action to work

Category: Medical Physics


California: Power-guzzling TVs to be banned

"Energy-hungry television sets will soon be banned across California in a landmark move by state legislators to reduce energy consumption."


Age of cyber warfare is 'dawning'

"Cyber war has moved from fiction to fact, says a report."

Category: Weapons, Communications


How to explore Mars and have fun

"A Nasa website called "Be A Martian" allows users to play games while at the same time sorting through hundreds of thousands of images of the Red Planet." "Players at Be A Martian can earn points in one game by helping Nasa...

Category: Space

Displaying results 891 to 895 out of 2977